Friday, June 8, 2012

Arthritis: Walking for Healthy Joints

Meet Mikayla Minning (on YouTube), a teen who raises awareness about Juvenile Arthritis and explains how walking has helped her cope with a life of arthritis.
Arthritis is the nation's most common cause of disability. Approximately 50 million men, women and children are doctor-diagnosed with arthritis. Walking strengthens your muscles and helps maintain joint flexibility. For people with arthritis, muscle and joint benefits are important because joints become stiffer and muscles weaken with inactivity. As a weight-bearing exercise, walking reduces the risk of osteoporosis; this is especially important if you're taking glucocorticoids for your arthritis, which can weaken bones. In addition to all the physical benefits, walking can play an important part in combating the depression, fatigue and stress that accompany your arthritis.

Brought to you by Helen Wenley at Short Walks in Auckland